Monday, July 4, 2011

Natural remedies for Candida

The yeast Candida albicans is a yeast which normally live harmlessly in small numbers in the body, controlled by beneficial bacteria in the body and the immune system.

If beneficial bacteria are killed by antibiotics, or the human immune system becomes weakened, Candida can grow unchecked and cause symptoms.

Localized, such as thrush, infections of the skin and can cause infections vaginal yeast in women. Generalized infection may occur in immunocompromised people.

Invaded Candida in the intestine is considered, in some cases, pass through the intestinal wall, causing the yeast and other undesirable to be absorbed in the body particles. It is thought to activate the immune system, which led to fatigue, headaches, mood swings, little memory and concentration, candy cravings and has been linked to conditions such as fibromyalgia.

This condition, popularized by William Crook, MD in his 1983 book, the connection of yeast, is regarded as very controversial. More conventional doctors believe that this systemic condition is arterial and many are in disagreement with the diagnosis.

Contraceptive steroids, oral, antacids, anti-ulcer drug use or frequent use or long-term antibiotics.
High-sugar diets

Symptoms: lethargic or tired
Low memory
Feel drained, depleted or exhausted
Numbness, burning, tingling
Stomach pain
Joint pain or swelling
Muscle pain or weakness
Constipation, diarrhea, bloating, gas, or eructation
Vaginal itching boring or persistent burning or discharge
Erectile dysfunction
Loss of sexual desire
Endometriosis or infertility
Menstrual irregularities or cramps
Crises of anxiety or crying
Cold hands and feet, feel chilly
Irritable or shaking at hunger
Alternative practitioners recommend individualized programs which usually combine diet and supplements. Supplements are gradually introduced to avoid a temporary worsening of symptoms referred to as a "mass mortality" or the Herxheimer reaction. This is because when candida are killed, they release toxins and protein fragments that can trigger an immune reaction of the immune system.

Improvement of symptoms is usually noticed after two to four weeks.

Acidophillus of beneficial bacteria is thought to control the candida by making it more acidic intestinal tract, discouraging the growth of candida and in production of hydrogen peroxide, which kills directly candida.

Research has shown that supplementing with acidophillus hydrogen peroxide-producing strain, DDS - 1 greatly reduced the incidence of infections yeast induced by the antibiotic.

These beneficial bacteria also help restore the microbial balance within the digestive tract.

A teaspoon to a tablespoon of soluble fibre containing guar gum, psyllium husks, seeds of flax or pectin may be mixed in an 8 oz glass of water twice a day on an empty stomach.

Enteric-coating of essential oils
Enteric-coated capsules containing oil of oregano, Mint oil and other volatile oils are designed to prevent the proliferation of candida. It is generally recommended at least several months. A standard dose is two capsules twice daily with water, between meals. Pure essential oils can be very toxic in this amount for the liquid form of these oils should never be ingested, and capsules should not be broken to open prior to ingestion.

Garlic enteric-coated
Garlic capsules which were enteric-coated to open when they reach the intestines are often used in combination with volatile oils. Once the capsule two times per day, taken with the volatile oil enteric coating is a typical recommendation.

Other valuable supplements are Caprylic acid from coconut, oleic acid of olive oil, oregano oil and pau to Arco. There are many products combination formulated for candida which contain these herbs and supplements.

View the original article here

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