Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Fly study discovers molecular link between obesity and heart disease (3 November 2010) - it is no secret that obesity is hard on the heart. More than 30% of Americans are obese, and many of them are also at increased risk of cancer, diabetes and heart disease. However, there are many causes of obesity and other factors of risk for each of these conditions, making it difficult to tease each other.

Sanford-Burnham Medical Research Institute (Sanford-Burnham), a team led by Dr. Sean Oldham, Dr. Rolf Bodmer recently created a simple template bind the diet fat, obese and cardiac dysfunction.Using fruit flies, they discovered that a protein called TOR influences accumulation of fat in the study, published on 3 November in the journal Cell Metabolism, coeur.Leur also shows that manipulation of TOR protects the heart of obese flies from damage caused by a diet rich in fat.

"We have noted previously that reduce the mandate had many beneficial effects on aging", explained Mr. Oldham, co-senior author of the study. " Then we wanted to look at TOR activity in obesity-related diseases, but we didn't have a good system.In this study, we show that the fruit fly as a model for obesity caused by a diet rich in fat. »

The model of the fruit fly is ideal to explore the heart, because most of the basic molecular mechanisms controlling its development are strikingly similar to those of vertebrates - even somewhat interchangeable. In addition, it is relatively easy to remove individual genes in the fly, allowing researchers specifically map each role in the development of heart and function.

In this study, flies on a diet rich in fat the oil of coconut became obese and were of the same side as obese humans, including cardiaque.Ensuite dysfunction symptoms, determining how TOR regulates the effects of grease on the heart, Mr. Oldham and generated colleagues flies which reduces the activity of this protéine.TOR normally takes a damper on an enzyme which breaks down fats. By inhibiting the TOR (or stimulate the enzyme Digest FAT), researchers have reduced fat accumulation in the heart and improve heart health otherwise obese flies. Heart-protection results are the same whether the mandate was stuck in fly together, only adipose tissues or only in cardiac cells.

According to Dr. Bodmer, co-senior author of the study and Professor and Director of development and the program "these results open the possibility that we can respond with the effects of obesity by targeting the TOR and other proteins that it regulates - directly in bold or in a specific organ such as the heart."

This model of fly now allow researchers answer many other questions about diet, obesity and heart. "One thing we would like to know then is that fat themselves are toxic to the heart, or are it metabolic by-products which are harmful?", said Dr. Birse, post-doctoral researcher, first and main author of the study."A good thing about using Drosophila is in theory, we could eat all what we want to screen - different fatty acid molecules, drugs, etc. - to observe their effects on the heart or other systems.»

The study was funded by the Association American Heart (AHA), Ellison and National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute (NHLBI) Medical Foundation at the National Institutes of Health (NIH).Support for this project also offered by the Centre for child health research Sanford Sanford-Burnham.

Editor's note: this article is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.

Source of the story:

The story above is reproduced (with drafting adaptations by staff) to materials provided by the Institute of medical research Sanford-Burnham.

Reference of the review:

Ryan t. Birse, Joan Choi, Kathryn Reardon, Jessica Rodriguez, Suzanne, baking soda Diop, Karen Ocorr, Rolf Bodmer, Sean Oldham.-High fat-diet-induced obesity and cardiac dysfunction are regulated by way of the TOR in Drosophila. metabolism of the cell, 2010; 12 (5): 533-544 DOI: 10.1016/j.cmet.2010.09.014

Note: If no author is given, the source is cited for this.

View the original article here

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