Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Chromium Picolinate toxicity

Chromium is a mineral that require human trace. It is found in small amounts in foods such as the yeast of beer, liver of calf, whole grains, meats and cheeses.

In 1959, chrome has been identified as an element that allows insulin hormone function properly.

Since then, chromium has been studied for diabetes and has become a popular dietary supplement. It is widely available in natural food, pharmacy stores and online.

Chromium also believed to help the body process carbohydrates and fats. It is marketed as an aid to the loss of weight for indicated and a (muscle building) ergogenic aid for bodybuilders and athletes. A form particularly, picolinate, chromium is popular because it is one of the most easily absorbed forms. In 1995, a study led by Diane Stearns, Ph.d., at Dartmouth College caused controversy on the safety of the chromium picolinate.

Researchers have added high concentrations of chromium picolinate chloride, chromium or chromium nicotinate hamster cells in culture and concluded that chromium picolinate could only damage the genetic material of hamster cells.

Since then, other studies of laboratory animals and cell cultures suggested chromium picolinate causes oxidative stress and damage to DNA.

Critics say that scientists have used unrealistic doses and that administration of cells in test tubes chrome is not the same thing as taking chromium supplements orally.

No adverse effects were regularly and frequently reported with use of chromium in the short term in human studies. For this reason, the Institute of medicine has not set an upper limit recommended for chrome.

In 2004, the Institute of medicine reviewed the security information on chrome for a monograph of prototype and found that chromium picolinate is safe when used in a manner consistent with the clinical data published up to 1.6 milligrams of chromium picolinate per day or 200 micrograms of chromium per day for three to six months).

There is very little information, however, the safety of use in the long term of chromium. There are reports of clinical cases few of undesirable side effects after taking supplements of chromium picolinate.

For example, a report published in The Annals of Pharmacotherapy journal described the case of a woman aged 33, who developed a kidney failure, damage to the liver and anaemia after 1 200 to 2 400 micrograms of chromium picolinate (approximately six to 12 times the recommended daily allowance) for five months to lose weight.

The woman has been actively treated with antipsychotic medications, so it is difficult to say if it was chromium, the combination of chromium with the drug, or another medical problem has a predisposition to such a reaction.

In a separate report of the case, a 24-year-old man who had taken a supplement containing chromium picolinate for two weeks during his training sessions developed acute renal failure. Although chromium picolinate was the suspected cause, it is important to note that there were other ingredients in the supplement that may have been responsible.

There are some concerns that chromium picolinate may affect levels of neurotransmitters (substances in the body that transmit nerve impulses). This can potentially be a concern for people with diseases such as depression, bipolar disorder and schizophrenia.

Chromium Picolinate may have an additive effect if combined with diabetes cause of drugs and blood glucose levels dip too low. This is why it is important to talk to your doctor before taking any form of chrome, if you also take medication for diabetes.

Supplements of chromium taken with drugs that prevent the formation of prostaglandins (hormone-like substances), such as ibuprofen, indomethacin, naproxen, and aspirin can increase the absorption of chromium in the body.

The safety of chromium picolinate in pregnant women or nursing mothers has not been established. Although there is no human data, administered to pregnant mice chromium picolinate proved to cause skeletal malformations in fetal development.

Since chromium in high doses picolinate supplements appear to provide little if any health benefit while possibly carrying some risks, it is my opinion that high doses of chromium picolinate should be avoided, at least until there are more cogent evidence of benefits, or more evidence about the side effects.

If you are currently in chromium picolinate supplements and any new symptoms, including the following, call your doctor: unexplained bruises bleeding nose skin rash or blisters Urinate less than normal feel very tired loss of appetite, nausea, or vomiting headache dizziness, sleep disorders more:


Bailey MM, Boohaker JG, Sawyer RD, Behling I, JF, Jernigan JJ, Hood RD, Vincent JB Rasco. "The exposure of mice to chromium picolinate pregnant causes skeletal anomalies in their offspring." Birth defects research, part B, development and Reproductive Toxicology. 77.3 (2006): 244-249.

Cerulli J, Grabe DW, Gauthier I, M, McGoldrick MD Malone. "Toxicity of chromium picolinate." The annals of pharmacotherapy. 32.4 (1998): 428-431.

Larry Coryell VH, Stearns DM. "Molecular analysis of hprt mutations induced by chromium picolinate in CHO AA8 cells." Research of mutation. 610 1-2 (2006): 114-123.

Vincent JB. The potential value and toxicity of chromium picolinate as a nutritional supplement, weight loss and muscle development officer officer. Sports medicine. 33.3 (2003): 213-230.

Wani S, Weskamp C, Miss Marple J, l. Spry "acute tubular necrosis associated with dietary supplements containing the chromium picolinate." The annals of pharmacotherapy. 40.3 (2006): 563-566.

Young PC, Turiansky GW, Bonner MW, Benson PM "acute generalized exanthematous pustulosis chromium picolinate-induced.". Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology. 41.5 (1999): 820-823.

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