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Other frequent causes of evil to the teeth are gum, dental abscess, tooth cracked, root of the irritated tooth and a condition called Temporomandibular joint, which affects the jaw.
The rage of teeth may also be a sign of a heart attack, ear infections and sinusitis.
Although there have not been clinical trials on the use of the rage of natural to date teeth, repair bad teeth home following two have been used in folk medicine to reduce toothache. Clove oil contains eugenol, a natural pain killer and antibacterial. Mix 2 to 3 drops of pure clove oil with 1/4 c. teaspoons of olive oil. Saturate a ball of cotton with the mixture and place the ball of cotton next to the tooth.If the headache of teeth means a molar in the back of your mouth, you can bite gently on the cotton ball to keep it in place. He left both and as long as possible (but don't go to sleep with her in the mouth). Pain relief should begin fairly quickly.
Side effects
Oil of cloves undiluted inside the mouth can causing combustion, the tissue or nerve damage and pain. At high doses, taken orally clove oil can cause vomiting, sore throat, seizure, difficulty in breathing, kidney or liver damage. Clove oil should not be applied on broken skin.
Children, pregnant women or nursing mothers and people with diabetes, kidney or liver disease of bleeding disorders should avoid clove oil.
Activated charcoal is available at many pharmacies and natural health food stores.Mix two teaspoons teaspoons of powder of activated with just enough water to make a paste. It if applied to a piece of gauze and put la gauze on the dent. bite.
If the pain lasts more than one or two daysAcne is a common skin condition. Acne lesions can appear as whiteheads, blackheads, small Cogne roses called papules or buttons (red lesions filled with pus). More severe forms may cause cysts and nodules firm, painful and can lead to scarring. Acne most often occurs on the face, but may develop also on the shoulders, back, chest, legs and buttocks.
Here are some home remedies and natural cures for acne.
Tea tree oil is a popular home for acne cure. It is an essential oil is diluted and topical application to the acne lesions.
How tea tree oil is believed to work? Tea tree oil contains a constituent called terpinen-4-ol, who was thought to be responsible for the bulk of the antibacterial activity of tea tree oil. Because tea tree oil kills bacteria, applying topical tea tree oil acne lesions is supposed to kill Propionibacterium acnes, bacteria living in the skin involved in causing acne. Read more about tea tree oil and acne: oil of tea tree for Acne? and learn more about tea tree oil
Zinc is another popular acne home remedy. Some studies have found that zinc is effective enough. While he was more effective than a placebo, antibiotic medication was more effective. Given this, it may not be the best option when scarring is a possibility.
Side effects of zinc include digestive disturbances and metallic taste in the mouth. At high doses, zinc can lead to a copper deficiency, impaired immune function, anemia and heart problems. There is some concern that higher doses may reduce the levels of HDL ("good") chholesterol.
Zinc may also interfere with the absorption of magnesium and iron from food and supplements. It may interfere with the absorption of tetracycline antibiotics, fluoroquinolones and penicillamine. There is also some concern that a specific diuretic, amiloride, can reduce the excretion of zinc and lead to a toxic accumulation in the body.
Zinc food sources.Sources:
Bassett IB, Pannowitz DL, Barnetson RS. A comparative study of oil tea-tree versus benzoylperoxide in the treatment of acne. J Med Aust. (1990) 153 (8): 455-458.
Dreno B, Moyse D, M, Amblard Alirezai P, n. Auffret, Beylot C, Bodokh I, Chivot M, Daniel F, Humbert P, Meynadier J., polished F; Group of studies and research of acne. Multicenter randomized comparative double-blind clinical safety and efficacy of zinc gluconate versus minocycline hydrochloride in the treatment of acne vulgaris inflammatory. Dermatology. 203.2 (2001): 135-140.
Other names: All heal, Amantilla, Setwall, Setewale, tail of the Capon, Valeriana officinalis
Valerian is a plant native to Europe and Asia. It reaches up to four feet high and a flower-shaped trumpet. The roots are used in medicine. While the fresh root is relatively odorless, the dried root has a strong odor that is often difficult to unpleasant.
Valerian is believed to have been used since at least the time of the Greece and ancient Rome. It has been used as a folk remedy for a variety of conditions such as sleep problems, digestive complaints, nervousness, tremor, headaches tension and heart palpitations. Popularity of the Valerian declined with the introduction of prescription sleep medications.
There is no consensus on what are the active constituents of Valerian. It is possible that the activity of valerian may result from a combination of compounds over one or the other. Valerian appears to increase the available supply of the body of acid neurotransmitter gamma aminobutyric acid (GABA), possibly by increasing its production, by reducing its absorption or slowing its failure.
Valerian are found in the capsule, tea, tablets or extract forms liquid most, some pharmacies in natural food stores and online.
InsomniaThe use of valerian is supported by the evidence of clinical studies. The problem with many studies, however, is that they were generally small, used different amounts of valerian for various periods, or had problems with the design of the study, making it impossible to form a conclusion on the effectiveness of Valerian.
Valerian appears to be less effective than prescription sleep drugs. One of the possible benefits of Valerian, however, are that it may not have as much of a "hangover" effect on the aftermath of mental or physical functioning. Also, people taking sleeping pills have sometimes worsening temporary insomnia, when they are abandoned, an effect that has not been reported with valerian.
AnxietyValerian is also used for anxiety, although there was not enough evidence that it is effective.
Pregnant or breastfeeding women and children should not use valerian.
Persons taking medications for insomnia or anxiety, such as benzodiazepines, should not combine these drugs with valerian.
Side effects of valerian may include headaches, dizziness, itching, disturbance, drowsiness during the day, dry mouth and vivid.dreams.
Rarely, liver injury have been associated with use of Valerian. It is not certain that the cause of the liver damage was because of valerian itself or contaminants present in the product. Until we know more, people should use valerian only under the supervision of a qualified health professional, and those with liver disease should avoid. Although the damage to the liver produce always visible symptoms, if excessive fatigue, intense itching, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, pain or discomfort in the right upper part of the abdomen, or yellowing eyes white or skin occurs, consult your doctor immediately.
Valerian may result in excessive sleepiness or daytime sleepiness if combined with other drugs that cause drowsiness, such as benzodiazepines Ativan (lorazepam) or Valium (diazepam), some antidepressants, drugs such as codeine and barbituates as phenobarbitol, or with sleep for sale free and cold products containing diphenhydramine and doxylamine.
It can also cause excessive sleepiness if taken with herbs that have a sedative effect, such as hops, catnip and kava.Valerian is decomposed in the liver. In theory, it could interfere with the effectiveness of drugs that are broken down by the same liver enzymes, such as: allergies as Allegra (fexofenadine)
cholesterol drugs, such as Mevacor (lovastatin)
antifungal agents such as Sporanox (itraconazole) and Nizoral (ketoconazole)
drug cancer such as Camptosar (irinotecan), Etopophos, Vepesid (etoposide), Gleevec (STI571), Taxol (paclitaxel), Velbe (vinblastine) or Oncovin (vincristine) Sources:
Blumenthal M, Goldberg A, Brinckmann J, ed.: Valerian root. In: Herbal medicine: expanded monographs of the Commission e. Newton, MA: Integrative Medicine Communications, 2000: 394-400.
In the natural foods store, you will find massage unique oils such as sweet almond oil or avocado oil. If you shop in the spa boutiques or shops skin care, you're more likely to find massage blended oils containing two or more massage oils.
Why is it important to know the different massage oils? Some oils are more likely to let you feel greasy after the massage, while other massage oils go rancid quickly and take on an unpleasant odour. Worse still, some oils can irritate the skin or cause allergic reactions.
These massage oils can be used alone or in combination. Here are my five top choice of the page.
Sweet almond oil is one of the most popular massage oils for massage therapists. Extracted from the almonds, sweet almond oil is pale yellow.It is slightly oily, which allows the hands of the glide easily on the skin. Sweet almond oil is absorbed fairly quickly, but not so fast that you need to keep reapplying.
Compared with other oils, sweet almond oil is reasonable price. He usually not irritate the skin. People with nut allergies should not use almond oil.
Palm apricot kernel oil is similar in texture and color to almond oil, but cost slightly more. It is rich in vitamin E, a quality which he accords a longer than typical oil life span.As the almond oil, apricot palm kernel oil is absorbed through the skin, so it leaves people feeling greasy subsequently. This property also makes a good use for aromatherapy massage oil.
Palm apricot kernel oil is a good alternative to the sweet almond oil for people with allergies to nuts.
Jojoba is in reality a wax extracted from the seeds of the jojoba plant. Jojoba is a good option for most of the persons subject to the rear of acne because it is supposed to have antibacterial properties and contains esters wax long chain that looks like the skin sebum.Jojoba has a very long shelf life, it is a good choice if you do not regularly use.
It is very well absorbed, which makes it a favorite carrier oil of aromatherapy. Jojoba is usually not irritating to the skin.
Disadvantage: jojoba oil is so silky and quickly absorbed, you will need to perhaps often apply it or mix it with other oils listed here. It is more expensive than the sweet almond oil.
Although you may think as coconut oil is a thick, white solid oil, fractionated coconut oil is indeed a lightweight, non-greasy, liquid oil.It is called fractionated coconut oil because it contains only a fraction of the whole oil. Long-chain triglycerides have been removed, leaving only the triglycerides medium chain.
Fractionated coconut oil is cheaper than many other oils (it is comparable to the sweet almond oil) and as jojoba oil, has a very long shelf life. But the high functionality of fractionated coconut oil is perhaps that it tends to not stained sheets, a problem with most of the massage oils.
Sunflower oil is a light, non greasy oil which leaves feeling of oily skin. Oil expressed from sunflower seeds, is rich in essential fatty acids linoleic acid, as well as Palmitic acid and stearic acid, all components of healthy skin. The amount of linoleic acid in the skin decreases with age and may be dismissed by detergents and soaps hard.Sunflower oil can go rancid quickly, so it should be bought in small quantities and stored in a cool dark area. Press one or two oil capsules pure vitamin e in the bottle can help extend the life.
People with allergies to plants in the sunflower family should avoid sunflower oil.
Avocado oilAvocado oil is approximately double the cost of the sweet almond oil. People who are sensitive to latex may be sensitive to the avocado oil.
Cocoa butterHowever, most grape seed oil is extracted from grape seeds using a solvent (rather than fact pressure on seeds), who say aromatherapists make less than the aromatherapy massage oil.
Kukui Nut OilTopical comparative study of olive oil with sunflower oil and concluded that olive oil had no effect on the epidermal barrier function, while topical sunflower oil has resulted in a significant improvement of the skin barrier.
Sesame oilAccording to Ayurveda, sesame oil is particularly valuable for food and detoxification and conditions associated with the vata type, such as anxiety, poor blood circulation, constipation, bloating and excessive drought.
Sesame oil is a thick enough oil which can leave the skin feeling oily, so it can be mixed with lighter massage oils. The refined oil has a strong odor.
Shea butterShea contains a natural latex, for people allergic to latex should be a patch test before use.
Wheat germ oilApple Cider vinegar is a type of vinegar made from the fermentation of cider. In the process of fermentation, sugar in the cider is broken down by bacteria and yeast in alcohol, then in vinegar. As many types of vinegar, Apple Cider vinegar contains acetic acid called substance. Apple Cider vinegar contains also some lactic acid, citric and Malic acid.
Proponents argue that apple cider vinegar can help with the following health conditions:
In addition, many people uses cider vinegar of Apple as a weight loss aid.
It is important to know, however, that the lack of research support, Apple Cider vinegar may be recommended for the treatment or prevention of any health problem.
To date, few studies have tested the effects on the health of Apple Cider vinegar. Here is an overview of some of the key results of the available research:
Some preliminary research suggests that vinegar (vinegar of cider Apple and other types) may benefit people with diabetes. For example, in a 2007 study published in diabetes care, the researchers found that type 2 diabetics who consumed two tablespoons at bedtime apple cider vinegar showed favourable changes in sugar levels in the blood the next morning. And, in a study published in the Journal of animal Biological Sciences of Pakistan, scientists found that a diet apple diabetic rats vinegar of cider improved for four weeks experienced an increase in HDL cholesterol ("good") (and a reduction of harmful triglycerides, a type of blood fat levels).
There is scientific support for la claim that Apple Cider vinegar can promote la weight loss. However, a small study (published in BioScience, biotechnology, and biochemistry in 2009) revealed that obese individuals who consume of acetic acid per day for 12 weeks has experienced a significant decrease in body weight, abdominal fat, waist and triglycerides. In tests on mice, another 2009 study (published in the Journal of agriculture and food chemistry) found that acetic acid may help prevent some liver fat and body fat accumulation.
It is unknown if these studies tested the use of acetic acid derivatives of Apple Cider vinegar or other types of vinegar.
Acetic acid can help lower blood pressure, according to a study of animals, published in BioScience, biotechnology, and biochemistry in 2001. Once again, it is unknown if this study tested the use of acetic acid derived from another type of vinegar or Apple Cider vinegar.
Published in the British Journal of Nutrition, a study in 2006 found that rats fed with acetic acid for 19 days had a significant reduction in total cholesterol and triglyceride levels.
Here are two popular home remedies that include Apple Cider vinegar.
A home for film cure is mix of Apple Cider vinegar 1/4 cup with 1/4 cup of water. The solution of vinegar is thought to restore the restoration of the balance of the scalp pH to discourage the proliferation of malassezia furfur, the fungus thought to trigger films.
The mixture of vinegar is usually paid in a bottle sprayer and spritzed on the hair and scalp, avoiding the area of the eyes and ears. A towel is then wrapped around the head and left about 15 minutes to an hour. After this, vinegar can be washed in the hair. Alternative practitioners recommend it often once or twice per week for film.
The use of vinegar Apple Cider to treat acne, some alternative practitioners recommend a part of the cider vinegar apple mixture with three parts water. The solution is then marked on the bud. Since there were reports of cases of skin lesions and burns to use vinegar full concentration on the face, it is important to take caution in the use of this remedy.
Some alternative practitioners recommend using Apple Cider vinegar to restore the acid alkaline balance. The theory behind the alkaline diet is that our blood is slightly alkaline with a level of normal pH between 7.35 and 7.45) and that our diet must reflect this level of pH. Supporters of the theory of acid alkaline believe that a diet high in production of acid foods leads to a lack of energy, excessive production of mucus, infections, anxiety, irritability, headaches, congestion of sore throat, nose and sinus, allergic reactions and a risk increased of conditions such as arthritis and gout.
Although an acid solution, some Apple Cider vinegar supporters believe there effect alkalinizing on the body. As such, they recommend that one or two teaspoons of Apple Cider vinegar in the water as a daily tonic for health. Although it is a popular remedy, its effectiveness has not been studied.
Vinegar undiluted Apple as liquid cider or the pill, can damage the esophagus and other parts of the digestive tract. Apple Cider vinegar beverage can damage the tooth enamel if siroté.
A case report linked excessive apple cider vinegar consumption with low bone mineral density and blood low potassium (hypokalemia) concentrations. People with osteoporosis, low potassium levels and those taking potassium lowering drugs must use caution.
Of Apple allergy sufferers should avoid apple cider vinegar.
Vinegar applied on the skin can cause burns and scars.
Excessive doses of Apple Cider vinegar have been found to cause damage to the stomach, duodenum, and liver in animals.
Theoretically, a prolonged use of Apple Cider vinegar could lead to low potassium levels, which could increase the risk of drug toxicity cardiotonic as Lanoxin (digoxin), insulin, laxative and diuretic like Lasix (furosemide).
Apple Cider vinegar may affect insulin and blood glucose, could theoretically have an additive effect only if combined with medication for diabetes. Apple Cider vinegar can also lower blood pressure, so it may have an additive effect if combined with medication for hypertension.
Next page - where to find apple cider vinegar, Apple Cider vinegar history and more.
The liver has constantly secretes a bright green liquid called bile in the small intestine or it is stored in the gallbladder.
Bile is needed to absorb fats and fat soluble vitamins. Also, it helps soften stools and is responsible for giving saddles their characteristic brown color.
Bile in fact its way through the intestines, it gradually changes color from green to yellow to Brown, because the action of bacteria in the large intestine on bile salts.
Green stool often indicates that food through the intestines faster than normal (called the bowel transit time of decreased), before this could be changed from green to Brown.
Diarrhoea decreased bowel transit time, any condition that causes diarrhea can generate green stool.
Other causes of green stool include: use of laxatives
Use of antibiotics
Side effects of drugs
Food poisoning
Celiac disease
Ulcerative colitis
Crohn's disease
Irritable syndrome
Bacterial growth
Infectious diarrhea - especially salmonella and giardia
Traveler diarrhea
Foods and supplements that can cause green saddles include: chlorophyll
Iron supplements
Note: Talk with your doctor of any changes in stool.